Tiny Explorers: Forest Mobile

Drake Park 777 NW Riverside Blvd, Bend, OR

We will look for items in nature to make our own mobiles. Join us for our FREE Tiny Explorers series in Bend. Tiny Explorers encourages new parents to kickstart a healthy life enjoying the outdoors by getting their little ones in nature starting at a young age. The program is targeted at new families with […]


The Great Drake Park Duck Race

Drake Park 777 NW Riverside Blvd, Bend, OR

The Children's Forest of Central Oregon is proud to be a beneficiary of the 2019 Great Drake Park Duck Race!  The 2019 Great Drake Park Rotary Duck Race is scheduled for Sunday, September 8th starting at 11am at Drake Park. The Duck Race is an ongoing annual fundraiser organized by all four Bend area Rotary clubs. […]
